Download your FREE copies of J/Carnac and J/View3D today!


J/CarnacÖ is a 100% Java toolkit that extends the power and
capabilities offered in Java 2DÖ to simplify the development of 2D graphics applications. J/Carnac is lightweight, easy to use and fully integrated with the Swing environment. Click here to register for your FREE copy of J/Carnac at our dedicated java graphics web site




J/View3DÖ is a high performance 3D visualization toolkit layered on top of Java 3DÖ. J/View3D simplifies the task of creating sophisticated interactive data visualizations. Users are not required to have Java 3D or DirectX/OpenGLÖ programming experience. Minimal Java programming experience is all you need for rapid development of 3D graphics applications with J/View3D. Click here for your FREE copy of J/View3D at our dedicated java graphics web site


INT, Inc.
2901 Wilcrest, Suite 100
Houston, TX  77042
Phone:  713-975-7434
Fax:  713-975-1120


Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Interactive Network Technologies, Inc. (INT) and the URL are independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc., J/Carnac, and J/View3D are registered trademarks of 
Interactive Network Technologies, Inc. (INT)